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Free energy generators

Free energy generators (non-fuel generators) for home, car, electric scooter. Ready-made generators are offered, as well as manuals for assembly by one own hands (DIY).

In nature, there are two types of electricity. One kind is familiar to us - it is an electric current. The second kind is as familiar to us, but people confuse it with the first one. This is statics. Statics has little to do with ordinary current, does not obey the well-known laws of Ohm and Kirchhoff. For static, there is no EMF and the potential difference between which the classical Ampere current flows. At the same time, static is easily converted into the usual electricity. Generation of free energy is based on the interaction of static and classical current. There is no uncharted energy from the ether, there are clear material processes, of which, nevertheless, you will not read in one textbook.

All Free energy generators work according to known physical laws, including in full compliance with the Law of Conservation of Energy. The difficulty of creating a generator of free energy is due to some physical dogmas and stereotypes.

Free energy generator of Kapanadze 4 kW - AquariumFree energy generator of Kapanadze 4 kW - Aquarium. 140 USD

BTG "Aquarium" (the name because of the transparent body) is the last device of free energy demonstrated by Kapanadze. Of all the previously created fuel-free generators, this option is the most advanced. During the demonstration, the generator produced an equivalent power of about 4 kW at active load (heating element and electric kettle)...

Free energy generator IBG 50/500Free energy generator IBG 50/500. 20 USD

A simple free energy generator (rus-BTG) with an energy gain of about 10 can be realized using a core from network transformers. The generator is designed to supply an active load. In the considered embodiment, the output equivalent power of the BTG is about 0. 5 kW at an input power of 50 W...

Free energy formulaFree energy formula. 30 USD

If you want to make a free energy generator, start with this file. Otherwise, the probability of repetition of any BTG tends to zero. Of course, you may consider the proposal not relevant, but in this case, do something other than fuel-free energy. Otherwise, waste your time, and then you will wring your hands and shout that BTG is a bluff and tricks...

Over Unit Radiation GeneratorOver Unit Radiation Generator. 110 USD

Not all free energy generators start immediately after assembly. Even if the circuit is properly built and tuned, primary radiant charges are required to run. During the operation of the circuit, radiant charges accumulate and remain active for several weeks. If the generator has already worked in a super-batch mode, then it is good to start it until the radiant charges annihilate...

Over-unity Physics. ElectricityOver-unity Physics. Electricity. 70 USD

The second part of the book Over-unity Physics - Electricity, includes information about physical processes occurring during electrical phenomena. The essence of electric current and electric flow as basic phenomena is described, on the basis of which the phenomenon of surplus energy is possible. The principles of obtaining free energy are explained. Content: Chapter 5...

DIY Atmospheric power stationDIY Atmospheric power station. 20 USD

Manual for assembling an atmospheric power plant with your own hands (DIY). Power plant power depends on the length of the receiving wire and can reach 200-300 watts. In our time it is believed that an atmospheric power plant can not give enough energy, but this is an erroneous opinion...

Stephen Mark TPU Free Energy GeneratorStephen Mark TPU Free Energy Generator. 20 USD

Stephen Mark's TPU generator stands out sharply from the rest of the non-fuel generators with an original approach to the design of the BTG. This generator does not contain radio frequency resonators. The working part of the TPU is a metal ring about 20 cm in diameter, with coils of thick stranded wire dressed on it...

Sale Free energy generators of KapanadzeSale Free energy generators of Kapanadze. 100 USD

The free energy generator of Tariel Kapanadze. The generator made the author's own 7 years ago and demonstrated to a wide audience. The generator output up to 3 KW. Voltage 240 Volts 50 Hz. Running from the battery, then the battery is disconnected and the generator is offline indefinitely. Science teaches us that perpetual motion machines don't exist...

Free energy generator from power transformerFree energy generator from power transformer. 24 USD

Free energy generator can be made from a power transformer, or rather on a transformer steel core. All factory windings will have to be removed and reeled up. However, you will not have much to shave, which pleases. Free energy generator operates by precession of core atoms (NMR) and ferro-resonance. Each core has its own frequency, which is in the range of several tens of kilohertz...

The Smith GeneratorThe Smith Generator.

D. Smith is one of the brands in the field of free energy, second only to the popularity of Nikole Tesla. At the same time, Smith has only one design of the fuelless generator, while Kapanadze does Free Energy Generator as if he bakes pies. But the question is certainly not in popularity, but in the possibility of repeating a particular device...

DIY real Free energy generatorDIY real Free energy generator.

Scheme real Free energy generator detailing to build with their own hands. absolutely operating circuit. it is free. The dream samodelschikov of all time. this is very similar to the free cheese in a mousetrap. Now even for the wastes to be paid. and for the original development need to pay a lot...

Free energy generators planFree energy generators plan.

If you need a working plan of free energy generator, you will surely find it on this site, but first read this short little article. So, fuel-free generator ( free energy generator) - device produces electricity without fuel consumption. At present, there is enough to BTG great practical interest, probably associated with the steady decline in incomes, as a result of dreaming ...

Where and how to buy Free energy generatorWhere and how to buy Free energy generator.

Free energy generator - fuel-less generator is that you can't buy in the store. People are spoiled by the dominance of goods for all occasions, this situation refuse to understand. The diagnosis "you can buy everything", absorbed into modern human so that is not treated. Because under the guise of fuel-free generators, buyers sell anything, but not Free energy generator ...

Practical schemes of Free energy generatorsPractical schemes of Free energy generators.

This article is for those who are looking for a scheme of a fuel free generator of free energy. There are many schemes in the network, some of them are posted here. The first plan from the Armored train is shown on the tab. In fact, this is an attempt to repeat the shark. All hope for an elusive and wonderful regime, which is ensured by the magnetostrictive properties of ferrite...

Free energy generator of Sergey AlekseevFree energy generator of Sergey Alekseev.

Sergei Alekseev succeeded in repeating DIY Free energy generator according to the well-known scheme of Ruslan Kulabukhov. In principle, supernovae are often ignited. than someone can achieve an increase in the scheme Ruslan. A hundred, maybe. and one thousand assemblies is successful...


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