 | Alternative energy | a Variety of interesting designs not included in the main section.
Small wind turbine for low wind. 20 USD
Guidance on the production of their own hands. Sail-bladed wind turbine for low and moderate wind. In areas with weak winds, the use of conventional bladed wind turbines is possible since they operate on the principle of the streamlined profile. due to the small Reynolds number small bluff blades at low wind speeds, there turbulentnos and sharply reduces the generator efficiency...
Thermal generator Rossi E-Cat. 50 USD
In the heat generator Andrea Rossi for the production of heat, the decomposition of nickel atoms in the presence of hydrogen is used. The generator generates more heat than it consumes. The efficiency of the generator is more than 700%. Buy a generator Rossi difficult. The reason is clear: people should buy the services of energy monopolies. Attempts to manufacture are hampered by licensing...
Original solar cells.
When buying solar batteries, the buyer there are only two, maximum three questions: what is the capacity of how much it costs, sometimes - life to get comfortable answer, buy and not the fact that in one season solar battery will lose 30-40% of the power...
Alternative energy of the sun.
Total Solar . energy reaching the Earth's surface 6. 7 times the global capacity of fossil fuel resources Using only 0. 5% of the stock would completely cover the global energy demand for Millennium . The total amount of solar energy, coming to the surface of the Earth in a week than the energy of the world's reserves of oil, gas, coal and uranium...
How to choose a good solar cell.
If as an alternative energy source you choose to buy cheap chinese solar panels, be prepared that the photoelectric elements of the modules are made of amorphous or polycrystalline of silicon. This explained the difference in price, the efficiency and timing of solar batteries. The life of monocrystalline solar panels is due only sealing materials ...
Alternative wind energy.
Wind - a powerful source of alternative energy wind energy is very high This energy can be produced without polluting the environment, but in the wind, there are two major drawbacks: its energy is strongly scattered in space and it is unpredictable. Building maintenance, repair of wind turbines, working around the clock in any weather in the open air, is not cheap...
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Free energy
Automotive devices
Original transport