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DIY GEET-reactor plan
DIY GEET-reactor plan

DIY GEET-reactor plan

Price 20 USD   Оформить заказ

GEET reactor construction details. Manual for the manufacture of catalytic GEET-reactor from the author of the device. This is the only page on the Internet where original plans are offered, which guarantee fuel economy and increase engine power with proper assembly. The manual includes a detailed drawing and a plan guide.

Water can be fuel! Saving fuel is not a fantasy, but a normal phenomenon, unfortunately, compromised by the sellers of magnets. Therefore, some people really save, while others spend uselessly on advertised dummies. What is able to bring the owner of the car cost savings, it will not cost three pennies.

GEET-reactor is designed to replace the regular car catalyst. The main purpose of the device is to clean the exhaust or crankcase gases. Savings on fuel - an additional bonus.

In order to make a GEET-reactor with your own hands, you must have the skills of welding a semi-automatic machine.

2 + 7 =
Здравствуйте, чертежи реактора универсальные или есть разница от объема двигателя или его конструктивных особенностей?
Здравствуйте. Реактор рассчитан на двигатель объемом до 2л. Для более мощного двигателя размеры можно пропорционально увеличить или использовать два реактора.
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