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Free energy generators plan
Free energy generators plan

Free energy generators plan

If you need a working plan of free energy generator, you will surely find it on this site, but first read this short little article.

So, fuel-free generator ( free energy generator) - device produces electricity without fuel consumption. At present, there is enough to BTG great practical interest, probably associated with the steady decline in incomes, as a result of dreaming . They get rid of the burden of utility bills

Scientists fuel-free generators are not interested and never asked Furthermore:. Mention of BTG in scientific circles is considered a sign of bad taste, due to the fundamental academic opinion the impossibility of obtaining more than spent. Meanwhile, academics have long learned how to get more, though it is not a science, physics, and science is limited to the economy.

So historically, that in the RAS is no longer engaged in physics. But the physics involved fans, and do it at a good level. Modern home laboratory capabilities are often not inferior to university laboratories and incentives for amateur anymore. After an amateur works not for money and not for the sake of career, and in an effort to understand the essence of things. It is thanks to amateur experiments and see the light, fuel-free generators.

But the world is full of rascals who exploit the theme of the free energy in the mercantile interests. Scoundrels are large and small. The examples do not need to go far, you can at least take the corporation for the production of electric Tesla. A lot of paranoia around the world made an advance payment of corporation and not on time. And will make more, because, as you know, show-off is not free, and pontovatsya passion as you want. Scoundrels smaller simply use the phrase "free energy generator " to attract visitors to the sites. It is enough to gather at the site of any ernundy, and the arrival is guaranteed.

Those who sell free energy devices on the Internet at the price of the cheapest gasoline generator, calculated on absolute idiots, no different bolt of the screw, but pathologically greedy. It is known that by greed we are suffering is universal, and greed - a fertile ground for idiocy. When the number of idiots among citizens exceeds 60%, the country is falling apart. Examples from recent history - the Soviet Union and Ukraine. Russia is now teetering on the brink.

But enough of the bad news. Of course, free energy devices exist, but none of the experimenter, as a rule, do not bring such a device to the state of the commodity. It's just not interested. People got results confirmed their suspicions - and enough. Sometimes it begins to look for investors. As soon as it finds - neither man nor generator. Believe me, it is - not a conspiracy. Just the first thing an investor exposes the author obligation not to disclose the scheme and other details, and then under different pretexts refused to fund the development. And yet: got goldfish in the slave network

If you need a free energy generator, do not hope for a successful purchase.. Buy, of course, possible, but not in the sales of all unnecessary, and in more cases, finding a personal touch with the author and convince him that you - the buyer, which can be given to a single instance. The probability of near-zero.

But there is a clan BTG-Schnick. This is a fairly closed organization, where there is an exchange of experience and "semi ". Around the Clan has a fair amount of extras talkers and provocateurs. Go through the crowd is only one way - to prove their own level of hands and backed her head. To do this, at least to begin to do something.

Practical scheme of free energy generators abound on the discussion forums. Of course, most of the schemes are not working, but what prevents you to filter information

If you just need to BTG to buy one touch, sure. Buy a diesel generator, diesel fuel stock up and enjoy life. Over time, in 10-20 years, and it may appear something for sale, as well as the situation is not conducive. We still have a little bit of oil.
2 + 7 =
Схем генераторов действительно много, да только толку от этих схем мало. Порой вообще не поймешь откуда они берутся и кто их рисует.
Почти все мы чувствуем, что нас ведут не туда. При современном уровне технологий человечество совершенно легко могло бы выйти из состояния когда слова жизнь и выживание стали синонимами. С бестопливной энергетикой мы могли бы жить как мечтали наши деды: разводить сады на Марсе, не иметь преступности, не испытывать нужды, заниматься созидательным трудом на благо всех и каждого. Но у нас все с точностью до наоборот.
Мы - это энергия. Ну ладно, не верите мне, смотрите по химии, физике, строение принятого атома. Что будет , если кусочек кожи человека подвергнуть энергетическому воздействию ? Огромному. Я не имею ввиду огонь и др слабые процессы. Испарится ?
БТГ собирают на основе катушки Тесла?
Катушка Тесла по сути спиральный резонатор. Конечно при классическом подходе сверхединицы в резонаторе не будет. Нужны специальные меры
Если как вы говорите БТГ существуют, за счет чего они работают? Откуда энергия? Из эфира?
Существуют вполне материальные физические принципы. Энергия из эфира - это очень общее представление.
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