The original ispulsnoe desulfation device allows you to restore lost capacity car battery in the future, with occasional use, increasing the battery life of 3-4 years. There are many different desulfation device powered devices on the principle of charge-discharge or charge AC. All of these devices are able to restore and kumulyatory have lost no more than 15% capacity. It is a different quality can be obtained using the impulse desulfatation (up to increase capacity above the factory), but such devices are generally intended for use in large enterprises and have an appropriate value. The proposed desulfation device can be used in the home does not conceding on the quality of industrial analogues. The device is implemented on an industrial pulsed SONAR memory and has two modes of operation. Standard and desulfatiruyuschy. Desulfation device absolutely indispensable in the case of deep battery discharge. If you charge the battery planted conventional charger, its capacity will inevitably fall by 5-10%. Ten deep discharges will make the battery unsuitable for use in the winter, but a year or two battery no longer give energy at al. Main features:
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