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What can be put in place of catalyst
What can be put in place of catalyst

What can be put in place of catalyst

GEET-муффлер вместо катализатора
GEET-муффлер вместо катализатора
GEET-муффлер вместо катализатора

What you can put in place of worn automobile catalyst. Usually put the flame arrestor or insertion, but there is a better idea.

catalyst replacement in the GEET-plazma reactor leads to lower fuel consumption and increase engine performance. The savings can be up to 30%, capacity increased by 10-20%.
Muffler main advantage is that by putting it on a catalyst site, you can forget about the headaches associated . Nd fault with catalysts Muffler is not clogged, no oplavitsya and allow to fill some horrible fuel economy -.. Just an added bonus

Most GEET-plazma reactor tested by comparing races with a tap open and closed This. is not correct. Muffler saves even when not plugged in. this happens due to increasing negative pressure in the exhaust manifold. The gases are twisted, accelerated heavy particles are pushed to the periphery, at the center there is a dilution zone with a lower temperature.

But GEET-plazma reactor - not a magician. It will not be very effective in the following cases:

1. Driving a low speed, with small loads, frequent stops. In these cases Muffler to warm up to the necessary 400 degrees Celsius.
2. Increased resistance in the exhaust pipe (exhaust pipes clogged). In this case, gases Muffler poorly twisted.
3. Increased humidity. Water in the fuel mixture and so enough.
4. Your machine travels at close to lean. That is, it squeezed the plant, depriving hurried and increased engine wear. The buyer wants to because efficient car? In this embodiment Muffler lacks components for synthesis gas production.

C 1 and 3 can be controlled at the expense of increased cost Muffler. 2 and 4 of Muffler is completely independent. Accordingly, the effect of setting the device at all different. Someone gets a 20-30% saving on the highway, someone does almost nothing, except to reduce harmful emissions.

In any case, with six carburetor reactor is becoming greener and more cost-injection six-catalyst. It turns out that, as always went the wrong way, remake carbureted engines injection in an attempt to improve the environment. As a result, the environment deteriorated, the price of cars increased, reduced engine reliability

The conclusion is: Put in place reactor catalyst is not harmful. Harmful not deliver. But do not expect a little "piece of iron " big miracles. Who wants miracles to sellers magnets. And who prefer a bird in the hands of a crane in the sky to us.

On special order, we can make a guaranteed 30-50% savings. Unless, of course, the price of a few tens of thousands of you are satisfied. On the other hand, the original catalyst for good Corporate powerful foreign cars cost is not cheaper (and there are usually two).

Of course, the catalyst can be simply thrown out. We are all intelligent, most pipe was welded and rejoice. But there is a way to even better: you can just throw the whole exhaust pipe.
2 + 7 =
Можно ли этот реактор к 5-ти литровому бензиновому (свободного места практически нет) как то поставить.? Катализаторы давно удалены. Дышать не то что в закрытом гараже, но и в пробках невозможно... И ещё вопрос: в хозяйстве есть трактор (дизель 2,5л), насколько нужна ему такая приблуда и нужна ли вообще?
На место удаленных катализаторов и устанавливать. И на дизель можно, но нужно встраивать до турбины. Будет экономить процентов 20 солярки. Вот здесь пример на дизель: https://www.drive2.ru/l/6338461/
Спасибо за разъяснение, а то нигде толком нет подробностей. И не переживайте. Бензин подорожает, клиентов прибавится
Пожалуйста. Не переживаем, чувствуем уверенность в будущем :)
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